his sword now sleeps in its sheath 意味

  • 彼の剣は今さやに納まっている


        knife attached to the sheath of a sword:    knife attached to the sheath of a sword 小柄 こづか
        mouth of a (sword) sheath:    mouth of a (sword) sheath 鯉口 こいぐち
        red-lacquered sword sheath:    red-lacquered sword sheath 朱鞘 しゅざや
        pull a sword out of its scabbard:    刀の鞘を払う
        shake to the its, his, etc. foundations:     sháke [róck] O to the [its, his, etc.] foundátions (1) 〈建物?組織など〉を根底まで揺がす. (2) 〈人〉をひどく驚かせる[心配させる].
        convenient for someone to make his payment now:    《be ~》即時払いが(人)の都合{つごう}が良い
        sheath:     sheath n. さや; コンドーム. 【動詞+】 use a sheath さやを使う; コンドームを用いる wear a sheath シースドレス(体にぴったりしたストレートで細身のワンピース)を着ている; コンドームをつけている. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a contraceptive sheath コンドーム a hunting k
        a sword:    a sword 一口の剣 いっこうのけん
        sword:     sword n. 剣, 刀. 【動詞+】 They have beaten their swords into plowshares. 剣をすきに打ち変えた (cf. Isa. 2:4, Mic. 4:3) belt on one's sword 腰に刀をつる brandish a sword (おどすように)刀を振り回す carry a s
        the sword:    the sword 武力 ぶりょく
        neurological disorder that prevents its victim from controlling his body movements:    体の動きを止められなくなる神経疾患{しんけい しっかん}
        and now:    さて、ところで◆【用法】文頭で
        as it is now:    現状{げんじょう}では、今では As it is now, it's only one day round trip from Osaka to Tokyo. 今では大阪から東京まで日帰りができてしまう。
        as of now:    今[現在{げんざい}]の(ところ)
        by now:    今ごろはもう、今ごろまでには By now you've heard that Lydia is going to marry Kevin. あなたはもう、リディアがケビンと結婚することを聞いているだろう。 She's supposed to be back by now. そろそろ帰ってきてもよさそうなものなんだけど。 If you don't have one by now, you pr


  1. "his suspicion now blossomed into paranoia" 意味
  2. "his swift action prevented the development of a life-threatening emergency" 意味
  3. "his swift recovery showed remarkable resilience" 意味
  4. "his swivel chair squeaks" 意味
  5. "his sword flashed in the sunshine" 意味
  6. "his sword now sleeps in the sheath" 意味
  7. "his sympathy crystallized in efforts on her behalf" 意味
  8. "his sympathy took a practical form in the shape of a loan" 意味
  9. "his sympathy was unfeigned" 意味
  10. "his swivel chair squeaks" 意味
  11. "his sword flashed in the sunshine" 意味
  12. "his sword now sleeps in the sheath" 意味
  13. "his sympathy crystallized in efforts on her behalf" 意味

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